The status of our project has changed

To find out more view our EIS submission.

Glencore’s wholly-owned Carbon Transport and Storage Corporation (CTSCo) Pty Limited Project aims to conduct carbon capture and storage (CCS), initially on a demonstration scale, and if successful, on an industrial scale.


The CTSCo Project is focused on:

  • capturing CO2 from a coal-fired power station in Queensland

  • evaluating the feasibility of storage by injection testing of the captured CO2 deep underground in the Surat Basin in Queensland.

The project:

  • is intended as a first step toward large-scale CCS

  • enables future industries including hydrogen production

  • contributes to Australian and Queensland Government climate and emission reduction goal.

Senate Inquiry submissions

On 25 March 2024, the Senate referred an inquiry into Glencore’s proposed carbon capture and storage project.

Download Glencore’s submissions to the Senate Inquiry.

  • EIS public submission

    The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) public submission period for the CTSCo Project (also known as the Surat Basin Carbon Capture and Storage (SBCCS) Project) is now closed. The EIS submissions will be reviewed, assessed and responded to in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act).
    Learn more and download the EIS
  • CTSCo Project - The Facts

    Download the PDF
  • CTSCo project

  • CO2 injection process

  • About the project

    The CTSCo Project is intended as a first step toward large-scale CCS, with the potential for emissions from multiple industrial sources being captured and safely stored. Learn about the CTSCo Project, including approval process, status, our partners, history and more.
    Read more
  • Why CCS technology?

    Find out more
  • Project resources

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  • Sustainability

    We support a range of low emission technologies capable of reducing global emissions. Learn more about how we minimise our impact to the environment, as well as our commitment to community engagement.
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